Alternatieve parfums


Our Foundation, named FOUNDATION ONLUS PEACE AND LIFE CENTER, Is a non profit organization that was created in accordance with the decree no. 460 from December 4th, 1997 and it is apolitical.

It was founded in 2010 and it aims at providing social solidarity and help by performing activities
such as:

  • Social work and medical care;
  • Charity, moral and material support;
  • Instruction through the promotion of educational activities;
  • The funding and organization of social centres;
  • Scientific research related to infectious diseases, the offering of grants, scholarships and prizes

The above mentioned activities refer exclusively to disadvantaged people as a result of physical problems and poor economic, social and family conditions.

Our foundation provides material support for the various projects developed by the Diocesan missionary centres from other countries. We collect testaments and donations left behind, and thanks to our patrimony, we undertake long-term aims.

The foundation's patrimony is constituted by: The endowment fund, donations of movable or immovable assets from individuals or from national and international companies and public institutions, testamentary gifts (legacies or devises) and revenues.

The administration of funds is decided by the Board of Directors that elaborates a yearly financial report which is a public document. Contributing to our cause is so easy that anyone can do it. Aside from donations, any help, no matter how small, is fundamental and gives our foundation the possibility of assuming long-term commitments.